
Hollywood Smile

In its most general form, it is an aesthetic smile design that allows you to have the smile of Hollywood stars. This smile design aims for a perfect harmony between lips, teeth and gums. This smile design is perhaps the only one you need for a better looking smile and therefore a more impressive appearance.

Of course, the appearance of teeth and gums is of great importance in this smile design. Not only women but also men can benefit from this smile design. We will also touch on issues such as how long it takes to complete the smile design, prices and which procedures it covers. But first, let’s clarify how it is done.

How to Make a Hollywood Smile?

First of all, we can say that Hollywood smile smile design is completed in several different stages. First of all, the patient needs to be examined and their needs for an aesthetic smile need to be determined. If there are existing dental caries or gum disorders, they need to be treated. Afterwards, various problems such as symmetry disorders in the patient’s teeth are eliminated.

If there is a missing tooth problem, implant treatment is applied and thus the missing tooth appearance is eliminated. Afterwards, the necessary procedures can be started for the patient to have this smile. In the meantime, it should be noted that the procedures do not cause any pain or pain. If there is a need for applications such as implant treatment, anesthesia is performed before the procedure, thus preventing the patient from feeling pain.

What are Hollywood Smile Procedures?

One of the most frequently wondered elements of those who want to have this smile is which procedures will be applied. First of all, let us state that the procedures to be applied to give the patient a Hollywood smile may vary. Additional procedures may also be needed in line with the needs of the patient. However, the generally applied procedures are as follows:

Porcelain Vener

Within the scope of porcelain veneer application, tooth surfaces may need to be abraded very slightly. Then, leaf porcelain veneers are applied to the front parts of the teeth and a whiter, smoother and brighter tooth appearance can be achieved. This procedure is especially preferred for crooked, spaced, small or very yellow-colored teeth.

It can also provide a more aesthetic appearance in cases such as cracks and fractures in the teeth. It should also be noted that it is a procedure performed with only a very small intervention in the tooth tissue. Therefore, it is possible to protect the tooth structure and porcelain veneer application exhibits an extremely natural appearance thanks to its light transmittance. The fact that they do not change color is one of the most important features of this application.

Tooth Whitening

Of course, white teeth are indispensable for a Hollywood smile. For this reason, the most suitable teeth whitening method for the person’s tooth structure can be preferred and thus the teeth can be given a whiter appearance. Teeth whiteni does not necessarily need to be done for every patient. If the existing whiteness of the teeth is sufficient, there is no need for this procedure.

Implant Treatment

The implant procedure does not have to be done for every patient. However, in order for this smile design to be perfect, missing teeth need to be removed. In this case, implant treatment comes into play. It is of great importance to eliminate tooth loss in order to achieve an aesthetic and symmetrical dental appearance.

In addition to all these, different treatments can be applied in cases such as tooth decay. After the examination, the patient will be informed in detail about which procedures will be applied.

How Long Does Hollywood Smile Take?

Of course, the time required for Hollywood smile design is not the same for every patient. This is because the necessary procedures vary from person to person. If the patient has problems such as gum disease or tooth decay, these will need to be treated first. In this case, the time to be allocated will be more.

The implant procedure also means that the total duration will be longer. The method to be preferred and the number of teeth to be covered are also among the factors affecting the duration. However, in order to give a general idea, we can say that the total duration can vary between 5 days and 15 days. Let us underline an important detail at this point. Treatment of existing tooth and gum problems may take longer.

What are the Advantages of Hollywood Smile?

In general, we can give a short list of the advantages of Hollywood smile:

  • Have a much more aesthetic and beautiful smile
  • A symmetrical and white tooth appearance
  • A healthier appearance of teeth and gums
  • Treatment of existing tooth and gum diseases is also provided
  • Achieving a correct mouth closure
  • Create a half-moon or moon-shaped smile line
  • This smile design supports the person to look younger and more energetic

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Ferume Health Tourism is a health tourism agency that provides the highest quality services in Istanbul.

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