While hair loss can occur due to environmental conditions such as nutrition and care, various health problems such as alopecia (ringworm) or hormone irregularities can also cause intense hair loss. Especially in men, hair follicles are hypersensitive to the hormone testosterone and this leads to an increase in hair loss due to a decrease in hormone levels with age. Different treatment methods have been developed for the solution of this problem, which can affect individuals of almost all ages, and only the effectiveness of hair transplantation has been accepted for the treatment of permanent hair loss called baldness. Since 1939, when the first hair transplantation was performed, application standards have been improved with many studies and thus the treatment of permanent hair loss has become possible. Hair transplantation methods such as follicular unit extraction (FUE) and direct hair implantation (DHI), which are widely used today, can give highly successful results when applied by experienced clinicians. DHI hair transplantation, which has many advantages over other methods, is one of the most preferred methods in recent years.
What is DHI Hair Transplant?
DHI hair transplantation method, also known as direct hair implantation, is considered one of the most advantageous methods in terms of both the short recovery time and the possibility of performing a large number of hair transplants in a single session. Thanks to this method, which aims to cover the balding areas by densifying them without damaging the hair and healthy follicles in the skin, a hair transplantation process with a much more dense and natural appearance is performed. Before the procedure, hair follicles are examined in detail with high-resolution imaging devices. The hair type of the person, the condition of the healthy hair follicles, the current hair frequency and the severity of hair loss, the characteristics of the donor area are determined and the general condition of the area to be transplanted is examined in detail. Then, the most suitable hair transplant is designed and the procedure is initiated with local anesthesia.
In DHI hair transplantation method, hair follicles taken from the nape of the person are generally preferred. With the micromotor device, which is one of the most advanced technological devices, healthy hair follicles in the nape root are carefully extracted. The extracted hair follicles are then placed in a special solution to ensure that each hair follicle maintains its vitality. After the removal of the follicles from the donor area is completed, anesthesia is applied to the area where the hair transplantation will be performed and the transplantation process is started. Before DHI, it is extremely important to design a hairstyle suitable for the person. In this way, new hair follicles are placed in accordance with the direction of growth of each hair and the natural hair structure is preserved. Then, healthy follicles, which are safely extracted through micro-tips, are directly transplanted into the areas where hair loss is experienced. Thanks to the DHI method, which does not require difficult interventions such as canalization in the balding area before hair transplantation, both the number of sessions required for successful results is reduced and there is no tissue damage such as wounds after the procedure, and the healing time is greatly shortened. Since this reduces the risk of infection in the hair transplantation area after the procedure, the DHI method is considered one of the most reliable hair transplantation methods. In addition, since there is no need for dressing and special care after the procedure, the patient can quickly return to his/her daily life. Thanks to this method, which has many advantages in many aspects, it is possible to have natural-looking, strong and healthy hair and to completely control the problem of hair loss due to factors such as genetics or stress.
Things to Consider About DHI Hair Transplantation
Since DHI hair transplantation is a minimally invasive procedure, it is extremely important to perform the procedure in a sterile environment. Infection of the scalp may occur after hair transplantation performed under inappropriate conditions. This is one of the serious complications that jeopardize both the success of the application and the health of the person. Therefore, reliable clinics should be preferred for hair transplantation. However, conditions such as redness, tenderness, itching, crusting that occur on the scalp after hair transplantation are considered normal for 1-2 weeks. These symptoms are normal findings seen in the healthy healing process of the treated skin. However, redness and tenderness that persist for more than two weeks may be a sign of an existing infection.
In addition, the success rate of hair transplantation operations may vary depending on the experience of the clinician performing the procedure and the equipment of the application center. Many factors such as the adequacy of the devices used, the experience of the clinician who will perform the application, whether he/she has sufficient knowledge about the current technique are important factors that directly affect the success of the DHI hair transplantation method. For this reason, people who want to stop hair loss, resolve permanent hair loss (baldness), have a scalp with an extremely natural appearance, achieve a quick solution with a short number of sessions and minimize the risks of complications such as infection should apply to reliable centers for DHI hair transplantation method and take care to choose teams of expert clinicians.
Choose Fermed Clinic to gain a new and healthy look with DHI hair transplantation and minimize the risks of possible complications.