What is FUE Hair Transplant?
Hair is one of the most important parts of appearance and aesthetics. Many people want to have thick and healthy hair. However, hair loss and hair loss problems can be seen in men and women due to various factors such as hormonal factors, air pollution, stress, vitamin and mineral deficiency. The biggest cause of hair loss in men is genetic factors. The most common cause of hair loss in women is hormonal factors and vitamin and mineral deficiency such as iron, B12. Today, it is possible to get rid of the problem of hair loss and hair loss with hair transplantation methods. FUE method is one of the most commonly used methods by hair transplant specialists. Hair transplant specialists first analyze the hair of patients who apply for hair transplantation. Thus, the structure and quality of the hair, the intensity of the hair loss, the quality of the hair follicles in the donor area where the hair will be removed are determined. Afterwards, if it is decided that the patient is suitable for the FUE method, which is the abbreviated form of Follicular Unit Extraction, the procedure is started. The most important advantage of the FUE method is that the patient’s hair looks natural after the procedure.
How is FUE Hair Transplantation Performed?
First of all, hair transplant specialists determine the front hairline of patients who apply with the complaint of hair loss in order to achieve a natural appearance after the procedure. The most important reason for this is that a front hairline that starts too far in front or too far back distracts the patient from naturalness. In addition, it is not preferred for the front hairline to be in a straight line in terms of naturalness. After determining the front hairline, the open area where hair loss and hair loss is intense is determined. The FUE technique consists of four stages. First of all, the donor area where the hair follicles will be collected is shaved. This is to facilitate the removal of hair follicles with the help of a micromotor. After this stage, the area where the hair follicles will be collected is numbed with local anesthetic drugs and the second stage begins. During the second stage, which is the removal of hair follicles, hair follicles are collected one by one from the nape area with the micromotor method. The most important reason for choosing the nape as the donor area at this stage is that the hair in this area is more resistant to hair loss. The collection of hair follicles takes about two hours on average. After the harvesting of healthy hair follicles is completed, it is very important to preserve these hair follicles without damaging them. For this reason, the collected healthy hair follicles are placed in a special solution. The area to be transplanted is then numbed with local anesthesia. After that, one of the most important stages of the procedure, the canal opening stage, is started. After the roots are collected, holes called canals are drilled in the area to be transferred with the help of special steel-tipped tools and the collected hair follicles are transferred to the holes one by one. FUE hair transplantation is completed in 7-8 hours on average.
Who Can FUE Method Be Applied to?
FUE can be applied to anyone over the age of 18. Anyone with hair loss and hair loss problems is suitable for hair transplantation. However, the procedure may not give the expected result, especially if the patients have an additional skin disease. Patients with any additional disease are first directed to the relevant area. FUE method is a method commonly used in men, but it can also be used in women with hair loss problems.
What are the Advantages of FUE Hair Transplantation?
FUE hair transplantation is one of the most widely used methods in the world with a high success rate. Rapid developments in the field of technology cause the FUE method to improve gradually. For example, the Sapphire FUE technique, in which the channels are opened with a tip made of a precious material called sapphire instead of steel tips, allows much smaller channels to be opened compared to the classical technique. In addition, during FUE, hair is taken from the area with the least genetic hair loss. Therefore, the chances of the procedure being successful after hair transplantation are very high. In addition, one of the most important advantages of the procedure is that the channels where hair transplantation is performed are very small. This accelerates the healing process after the procedure. In addition, the opening of very small channels in the FUE technique allows more hair follicles to be transferred. In this way, the FUE method can be easily applied to people with severe hair loss problems.
Since the procedure does not require stitches, the healing process after the procedure is also faster. Since the success rate of the FUE procedure is high, a single session is usually sufficient. If the patient has an advanced hair loss problem, a second session may rarely be required. Patients can return to work the day after the procedure.
What is the Process After FUE Hair Transplant?
The specialists who perform the operation inform the patient about what kind of process awaits the patient and how to care for their hair. The more the recommendations given by the experts are followed, the faster the healing process after the procedure. When the procedure is over, the patient is dressed with special dressing materials and the transplanted area is bandaged if deemed necessary by the specialists. The patient’s transplanted area remains in the bandage for about two days. It is important to avoid contact with water within two weeks after the procedure. When FUE is performed by specialized teams, the success rate is quite high. The channels opened in the FUE technique are opened in the direction of hair growth. These channels, which are opened with a special tool resembling a steel-tipped pen, are very small micro channels. Crusting can be seen in these channels after the procedure. This crusting and crusts fall off and heal almost completely within a week to ten days. Within 1-2 months after the procedure, the patient will experience a phase in which the hair begins to fall out rapidly, also known as the shock shedding phase. Sometimes patients who encounter the shock hair loss phase
may be worried that it has had a negative outcome. However, this is temporary; over time, the shedding slows down and eventually stops completely.
After this stage, it is seen that the hair starts to grow again. In the sixth month, new hair grows to a great extent. Within 1 year after the procedure, hair growth is almost complete. After the procedure, the patient is advised to use anti-shedding and caring shampoos. In addition, the patient is advised to use vitamins and minerals that nourish the scalp.
FUE hair transplantation is a hair transfer method that has been widely used all over the world in recent years. The success of hair transplantation depends on the patient’s hair structure and quality. However, in addition to these, the experience of the specialists and the team performing the procedure is one of the most important factors in the successful outcome of the procedure. If you are also suffering from hair loss and hair loss, you can get information by contacting the nearest health institution. We wish you a healthy day.